Privacy Policy

Website Privacy and GDPR Policy

The policy: This privacy policy is for this website; [] and governs the privacy of its users who choose to use it. It explains how we comply with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the PECR (Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations).

       GREAT GDPR JOKE - Source 

Privacy policy

This policy will explain areas of this website that may affect your privacy and personal details, how we process, collect, manage and store those details and how your rights under the GDPR, DPA & PECR are adhered to. Additionally, it will explain the use of cookies or software, advertising or commercial sponsorship from third parties and the download of any documents, files or software made available to you (if any) on this website. Further explanations may be provided for specific pages or features of this website in order to help you understand how we, this website and its third parties (if any) interact with you and your computer or device in order to serve it to you. Our contact information is provided throughout the website if you have any questions.

The DPA & GDPR May 2018
This website complies with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which came into effect from May 2018. We will update this policy accordingly after the completion of the UK’s exit from the European Union.

Use of Cookies
This website uses cookies to better the users experience while visiting the website. As required by legislation, where applicable this website uses a cookie control system, allowing the user to give explicit permission or to deny the use of /saving of cookies on their computer or device.

Website Visitor Tracking
This website uses tracking software to monitor its visitors to better understand how they use it. The software will save a cookie to your computer’s hard drive in order to track and monitor your engagement and usage of the website, but will not store, save or collect personal information unless you are a contracted client which is rarely more than business details we will need for tax and invoicing details.
We only use Cookies within Google Analytics and Facebook Pixels. We do not record your IP address for more than 90 days which is a default setting on our hosting provider. We do not check or store IP addresses unless we feel the need, only if a data breach or hacking attempt ever takes place. We will automatically ban any IP address if any attempt is made. Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel do not show us IP addresses.

Adverts and Sponsored Links
We do not advertise any third party websites at all throughout this website. We may link to a third party website but money is never changed hands.

Downloads & Media Files
We rarely reference downloads or media files from a third party website. We do not promote any third party website but we may reference one if its relevant to the content a user is reading. We will never reference any website that requests any personal information from you at the time of uploading the relevant content, we cannot be held responsible if any website has made changes after submission date.
We do use storage services such Dropbox. We only use this with contracted clients which are often shared directly the client direct, which the client will provide their email address for access, we do not use this email for any other reason unless it is used for direct communication when stated by the client.

Contact & Communication With us
Users contacting us through this website do so at their own discretion and provide any such personal details requested at their own risk. Your personal information is kept private and stored securely until a time it is no longer required or has no use. We rarely store any personal information other than a name a user as has provided, along with a phone number or email address that a user has willfully provided. 
We do not add you to any mailing list unless you have willfully added your own details to our clearly labelled page marked as a marketing list subscription. Our direct communication via our contact forms or email address is not added to any marketings lists. We will not contact you unless it is relevant to your business.
We only store invoicing and payment details for the legal amount of time required for tax reasons. We use an online accounting software that is based in the UK. It is only IAN BOWLAND and our chartered certified accountants who have access to this data which is willfully provided by our contracted clients.
We do have access to our clients Google Analytics, these records are stored the same as our own. We do not record or have access to any client sales, personal or any other data. We also have access to some clients Adwords or Social Network advertising managers, we do not store this data, we simply have access to the data via our own user logins so we can help our clients advertise properly. We cannot see any payment details between a clients account and the service they use.
Any other data such as keyword positions in a search engine is recorded for our clients, this data is provided publicly by any search engine. We simply record the performance of any SEO campaign, using data that is open to anyone with an internet device.

Email Mailing List & Marketing Messages
We sometimes operate an email mailing list program, used to inform subscribers about products, services and/or news we supply/publish. Users can subscribe to an online automated process where they have given their explicit permission. Subscriber personal details are collected, processed, managed and stored in accordance with the regulations named in ‘The policy’ above. Subscribers can unsubscribe at any time through an automated online service, or if not available, other means as detailed in the footer of sent marketing messages. The type and content of marketing messages subscribers receive, and if it may contain third party content, is clearly outlined at the point of subscription.
Email marketing messages may contain tracking beacons / tracked clickable links or similar server technologies in order to track subscriber activity within email marketing messages. Where used, such marketing messages may record a range of subscriber data relating to engagement, geographic, demographics and already stored subscriber data.
We often record website and contact data with the aim of helping our clients gain exposure in the form of marketing. We delete this information after a client has saved this data on their own devices or at the end of our contract. The information we provide for our clients is data that is provided by a website owner, publicly.

External Website Links & Third Parties
Although we only look to include quality, safe and relevant external links, users are advised to adopt a policy of caution before clicking any external web links mentioned throughout this website. (External links are clickable text/banner/image links to other websites.
We cannot guarantee or verify the contents of any externally linked website despite our best efforts. Users should, therefore, note they click on external links at their own risk and we cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned. 

Social Media Policy & Usage
We adopt a Social Media Policy to ensure our business and our staff conduct themselves accordingly online. While we may have official profiles on social media platforms users are advised to verify the authenticity of such profiles before engaging with, or sharing information with, such profiles. We will never ask for user passwords or personal details on social media platforms. Users are advised to conduct themselves appropriately when engaging with us on social media. We will not liaise with anyone via our personal social media profiles about anything personal. There may be instances where our website features social sharing buttons, which help share web content directly from web pages to the respective social media platforms. You use social sharing buttons at your own discretion and accept that doing so may publish content to your social media profile feed or page.

Passwords and Data Security
We do not store any password or logins for our own website or any clients. We use a third-party encryption service that uses AES-256 bit encryption, a secret key, master password and Secure Remote Password. No password is ever the same for any website or service we use. We do not know our own passwords, everything is stored and fully encrypted using these various and award-winning services. We have password managers disabled on our browsers.

Data Protection Information
You can obtain further information about data protection laws by visiting the Information Commissioner's website at
Contact us
 Call Web Visibility Solutions Ltd on 07989 077 778 or email webviz now to get started today. Based in North Norfolk, we serve businesses across the UK. 
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